Be immersed into the sacred wisdom of nature and spirit


An immersive experience designed to explore the depths of your soul and to connect with the divine feminine within.

The retreat will involve meditations, different shamanic processes to access the emotional body, connection exercises, ceremonial work and work with our generational ancestors down the female lines. We will unravel and unwind the barriers we’ve built around our heart for protection and self-preservation. Sharing by the camp fire we will dive into our deep truths, strength and courage to look within and listen to our hearts. You will emerge in your strength with deeper connection to the divine feminine within.

Working with ancient knowledge channelled from both the earth and star realms where you will learn to integrate the physical and non – physical worlds, how to integrate energetic clearing and protecting exercises into your practise and keep your energetic bodies clear from psychic debris.

These retreats are about fostering connection to self, self awareness of the shadow self and are designed to liberate you from the shackles within that prevent you from being in or stepping into your full power as a divine feminine being.

These retreats are for you if you are 100% ready to take self-responsibility, walk the path of your authentic self, navigate through uncomfortable internal challenges (dropping the Ego) and move beyond what you think you know and are ready to work from the place of your heart not your head.

The retreat will support you in a safe space to take responsibility for any stories that are keeping your small, stuck or separate from yourself so that you can facilitate communication with your Higher Self. From this space you can find freedom from those stories that are holding you back.

Once you arrive the ‘work’ begins.

Women are encouraged to bring their own divination tools, drums, musical instruments and key spiritual tools to enhance their work.

“If your heart could speak, it would ask you to listen to its beating, just as the earth has its own heartbeat. Look around you to see what has been happening to your Mother Earth. Her heartbeat has been ignored by many, and she has been destroyed in many ways, but she keeps beating and providing you a home and shelter and keeps supporting you by means of a place to walk on, to travel on. So too does your heart keep on beating, keep supporting you and keep providing you with a home for your soul to reside within your body. Ignoring the earth’s heartbeat has not made her a healthy place, nor will ignoring your own heart. Your heart needs to be open in all its glory for you to find harmony.” Goddess Kali

(Channeled by Marie Antoinette – Excerpt from Same Same but Different)

The intention set for these retreat is to foster a stronger connection to the strength that the divine feminine brings and how to live from this authentic space to find harmony with self and with the soul. Some of the retreats have local aboriginal elders as guests to help incorporate respect for the land and to the oldest shamanic culture on earth.

Next Retreat is planned to be in the Byron Bay Area.


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